This series is something I have struggled with since I went to culinary school. I was taught nutrition in one little course. I apparently did not learn enough to figure out to get from the food Pyramid to an actual Plate of food to eat. And it seems that most do too.

Many plates in restaurant, especially in Texas are mainly meats and starches. But what about vegetables and fruits? This is where I finally did some researching and trial and error in recipes to see if I could make typical Texas foods, which I love, into every healthy! Thus assisting me in losing weight!

All of this is done with God in mind. I want to be an obedient servant of His and teach others to do the same. Want to follow in my footsteps? Are you ready to get from the Pyramid to the Plate? Then click here and we will study together what science says and what God says together!

Chef Texas Rose


March: National Nutrition Month


Nutritional Tools to Help Create Healthy Diets

CARBOHYDRATE: Sugar, Starch, and Fiber

Proteins Found in Animals and Vegetable

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